Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fall is here and so is the cold!

Amy was nice enough to let us come up to her house and go trick-or-treating!

While we were wating to go on the hunt for candy Kyana jumped on the trampoline dressed as a Spanish dancer ... to cute!

Gavin was driving Shaun's car dressed as a tiger!

Shaun was a RED Power Ranger! He said he did not need his mask cause he could just tell people what he was! lol

Gavin loved getting candy this year! However he did not want anybody to touch his bucket for fear they would take his candy!

Vaughn and Amy dressed up this year! I am sad I did not get a picture of Amy dressed as a Queen or Sasha dressed as a Cave Woman! They looked sooooo cute!

I was very happy that on Halloween it was not to cold for the kids to go trick-or-treating!


This weekend we had to rake the leaves that fell from the huge tree hanging over our back yard and after we got the big pile Gavin asked if he could go in the "leaf house" He calls everything a house ... store house, Erika's house (his daycare favorite teacher) the hospital is a BIG house! Its so cute to hear him tell me about all the different houses!

He had tons of fun! Kyana would not come out cause she said it was to cold and she was busy!

Hopefully I will be able to keep up on my blog more often!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Update! Sorry it took so long!

I guess I have been busy for the last few months! We moved to Mom and Dad's house for a while and then helped them move to a new house they bought up the street next to the park! Then a few weeks later moved to the Orem townhouse! There has been a lot of moving lately! I do not want to move for a very long time!

Well Here are some updated pictures of Kyana and Gavin!

Here is Kyana about to go to her first day of school in the 4th grade!

Here is Mom and Dad's empty family room! Very Strange!

Me and Gavin playing in our back yard in Orem!

Gavin pushing his "train" he kept going back and forth it was very cute!

I will try and update my blog more often!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Kyana got baptized today!! She was so excited that it finally happened!! She will be confirmed tomorrow everyone is coming up to watch!!

Thank you Grandpa for baptizing her!!

Gavin was very happy!!

We are very proud of her!!

The missionaries interviewed her because she is already 9. They were wonderful!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gavins Birthday!! (late post)

My big boy turned 2 on January 29th.. For his birthday we all met at Grandmas and Grandpas house and made sock puppets it was so much fun!!! We all had a blast!!

Grandma with her 2 cute puppets!

Everyone joined in!!

Vaughn had fun with us!!

Easton and his very styling puppet!!

Gavin was very excited that the cake and candles were for him!

He loved eating it also!! Yummy!


Kyana got braces on Monday March 2nd. She looks so cute!!!

I had to post a picture so everyone could see how cute she looks!!!
She will have them for about 1 Year and then a semi permanent retainer until all her big teeth grown in!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fun stuff Christmas Eve!!

Obviously I am way behind in my posting so here are some pre Christmas pictures!! Sorry so late but I will keep going for the next few days until I am caught up!!
This is my sad little tree!!

During the tradition of Christmas Eve at Grandpa and Grandma's house Kyana Cadence and
Sasha each sang a song for us it was the best!!

Sasha looking so cute during her song!

Just a cute picture of my adorable son!!

Kyana purchased herself a Hannah Montana hat with her birthday money and requested to show it off sideways of course!

Kyana showing off our sad little tree when it still had the ornaments on it (before Gavin pulled them all off).

See I even have proof of him pulling them off!!

Well I will post Christmas Day tomorrow after I go to Amy's (she is making me a cake for my birthday I am excited)!