Monday, April 7, 2008

Egg coloring at Grandma and Grandpa's house!

Kyana had tons of fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house coloring eggs.. Gavin did not care about it at all.. however he only managed to break 1 I was proud..

After the egg coloring we had fun sitting around talking while the kids played.. It was nice!!

Easter fun!!

Easter morning Kyana was very excited and Gavin seemed more confused but they had fun!

In this picture Gavin is holding his easter chocolate bunny that he shortly after took behind the couch and unwrapped and started eating as fast as he could.. He LOVES chocolate!
After the fun at home we got dressed in our Easter stuff and went to Jeanette's house for another Easter egg hunt!
Gavin did not really care about the easter eggs but he loved looking at Jeanette's dog Nana.. He was very excited I had to peal him away!!
After all the fun the kids sat down and checked out there stash! Jeanette had put $3 in eggs for the kids so they all ended up with money and candy.. cant get any better then that..

We had a great day thank you Jeanette for inviting us over!!

Park time..

A great day at the park, playing with Jeanette and her family.. It was a great day!!

Kyana looking so cool!! =)

Gavin and Kyana playing with a giant frisbee that Jeanette brought with her..

Kyana just hanging out..

Outside here we come!!

Finally we had a warm day and since Gavin has not really been able to play outside we took full advantage of it... I think it was about 55 degrees... Here are some pictures to show the fun times..

It was very cute to watch Gavin get down on all fours to climb over any cracks in the side walk, onto the grass and even over shadows on the ground...

My kids are toooo cute!!