Friday, February 29, 2008


I just had to say Happy Birthday Alisa!! I hope you had a great day!!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I cant believe how big Kyana is getting.. and how beautiful!!! She told me she wants to be a model and an artist when she gets big!!

The picture of Gavin is him riding his little car.. He learned how to get on and off it all by himself. He is so proud of himself!! Gotta love it!!

FYI.. I noticed I post allot of things in the wrong order.. One day I will get it right until then I guess you just have to get used to it.. lol =)

I of course have to show off Gavin and his cute self.. I showed him what the camera does after I take his picture. So now he always wants to touch it with his cute little fat fingers. I am also happy to say that he says his first word on purpose.. "that" It is so cute, most of the time he just points to the light and asks what it is.. But he has figured out if he points to other things that I will tell him what they are.. I love to watch him grow and see him learn new things.. Its amazing!!

Busy times!

It seams like yesterday that I blogged.. strange that it has been almost 2 months. I figured since I could not sleep it would be a great time to do it cause my kids are in bed and my house is clean!!

I have to show you Kyana and her need for straight hair.. I finally got a flat iron so I could do it more often.. She used to beg me all the time but before I only had a hair dryer and a brush so it was a little hard and took forever. Hope you enjoy!!