Friday, May 6, 2016

My life!!

Nothing new here, almost no one calls, texts, emails me ever. Even Kristina stopped calling me on her way to work. Lee only see's me when I go to my parents house to visit and then he decides to care by telling me how everything I eat and drink are bad for me and I should do better. Amy has been busy with her new house, Kaleb's wedding and patriot camp so I understand why she is not calling me as much lately. Alisa sent me a juicer and a cute book so she gets a pass right now, but most of the time my calls are ignored. Karla does not answer my once a month calls to her most of the time. Erik will always have a pass because he is taking my kids when I die, and he flew here last year just to see me and hang out. My dad stopped calling me and my mom only called me 1 time this week and not at all last week. I stopped calling everyone because I am sick of them not answering there phones and never taking anytime to call me. I understand why no one answers there phone because all I do is talk forever about stupid crap!

I am so depressed lately its driving me crazy. I cry at everything, and my feet hurt so bad today!! I have been puking most of what I eat. I am sick of chemo and just wish I could be done with it now. If I wouldn't die from stopping I would but I would die so I cant!! IT SUCKS!!!!!

Julie is being a good friend by picking me up and letting me hang out at her house while I talk and talk and talk!!! She is way to patient!! I don't know what I would do without her. She is willing to take me to chemo whenever I need it and so will Amy.

I understand why people don't want to sit there because its boring!! I just wish I was done so feeling abandoned was not another thing I felt sad about.

I guess I cant be to mad since Erik, Amy and Karla are still paying bills for me every month. I am sooooo grateful for it because I could not do it on my own and they don't have to help.

Oh well, life goes on.

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